Software-Defined Overlay Networking for the Deployment of Distributed Applications at the Edge
On in Theses, Research, Use Case, Publication · 3 min read
We are pleased to announce that Heiko Bornholdt’s dissertation, “Software-Defined Overlay Networking for the Deployment of Distributed Applications at the Edge”, has been published.
This doctoral dissertation introduces drasyl and its foundational concept of software-defined overlay networks. drasyl was developed as part of this dissertation—or, as some might say, the dissertation was developed around drasyl!
drasyl 0.11.0 released with performance improvements, fixes, and dynamic overlay constructon
On in Releases · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.11.0.
This maintenance release brings performance improvements, fixes and the new CLI sub-command sdon
for the creation of dynamic overlays.
drasyl 0.10.0 released with performance improvements, fixes, and globally distributed super peers
On in Releases · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.10.0. This maintenance release brings performance improvements and a new set of globally distributed super peers resulting in faster peer discovery, connection establishments, and traffic relaying performance.
drasyl 0.9.0 released with C and Python Bindings and support for Publish/Subscribe Messaging, Remote Message Invocation, and more!
On in Releases · 3 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.9.0. This release will bring drasyl natively to C and Python! In addition, drasyl now ships with optional components allowing you to utilize the publish/subscribe messaging pattern, remote message invocation, decentralized membership management, and a distributed lookup service.
Python Package
On in Python · One min read
DrasylNode as Shared Library
On in Native, C, Library · One min read
We are excited to announce our blazing fast and native version of DrasylNode as a shared C library. This was achieved by translating Java code with the required JDK runtime elements into native code using the GraalVM.
drasyl moved to GitHub
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drasyl moved to GitHub as the primary development platform. On the old GitLab repository, we set up a mirror that is always in sync with the GitHub repository. Pull requests and issues are now only accepted on the GitHub page. In addition, the old repository is now read-only.
Outdoor Navigation for Wheelchair Users
On in Teaching, Use Case · 2 min read
Today’s post is about the just finished master project lecture about smart cities at Universität Hamburg. The project’s goal was the prototypical implementation of a navigation solution for wheelchair users. For this purpose, a suitable route was selected with a wheelchair-friendly surface. The data required for navigation is automatically collected by a sensor box that can be attached to wheelchairs. This data is exchanged from wheelchair user to wheelchair user with the help of drasyl.
drasyl 0.8.0 released with improved Hole Punching, Remote Controlling for CLI, and increased TUN Device performance
On in Releases, CLI · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.8.0 with improved hole punching protocol, remote controlling via JSON-RPC for node
and tun
CLI commands, and increased TUN device performance.
drasyl Discord Server
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We want to let you know that there is now a drasyl Discord Channel! There you can get in touch with other drasyl users and maintainers.
Distributed Key-Value Stores Built with drasyl
On in Teaching, Use Case · One min read
This post presents another use case of drasyl: During an eight-day block course at the university, a total of five student groups designed and prototyped key-value stores. In the process, drasyl was used for communication so that the students could fully concentrate on implementing the business logic of the key-value store.
drasyl 0.7.0 released with TUN Device Support and Faster UDP Hole Punching
On in Releases, CLI · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.7.0 with TUN device support, faster UDP hole punching, IP broadcast-based peer discovery, and identity generation utility.
Bringing Computation Offloading to the Edge
On in Theses, Research, Use Case · 2 min read
Today’s post is about the master thesis “A Secure Context-Aware Middleware for Computation Offloading in Untrustworthy, Open, and Dynamic Edge Environments” by Kevin Röbert. In his master’s thesis, Kevin Röbert designed, implemented, and evaluated a system capable of offloading computations to the cloud, grid, and edge devices. He integrated drasyl into the Tasklet computation offloading middleware.
drasyl 0.6.0 released with Support for Netty Handlers, Backpressure Mechanism, and Tunnel Utility
On in Releases, CLI · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.6.0 with support for Netty channel handlers, backpressure mechanism, option to disable data plane encryption, file transfer for wormhole utility, and port tunneling utility.
Accessing Smart City Services in Untrustworthy Environments via Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Overlay Networks
On in Publication, Research, Use Case · 2 min read
We’re happy to announce that our paper “Accessing Smart City Services in Untrustworthy Environments via Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Overlay Networks” has been published in the proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE)". Within this paper, we presented how our approach can be used to provide the foundations for a network of Smart City Services.
New Javadoc Website
On · One min read
To date, we have always referred to, when someone has asked us for a Javadoc of drasyl. While is an excellent service, we ran into some limitations: splits the documentation for each module. Since more and more Maven modules are added to drasyl, the documentation has become more and more obscure. From now on, we provide a combined Javadoc at
Smart Urban Data Space for Citizen Science
On in Research, Use Case · 2 min read
Today we are talking about another use case for drasyl: SANE. This use case is special for us because it finally made us decide to develop drasyl. The SANE project is now finished; therefore, we would like to present the project’s results.
drasyl Network Explorer launched
On · One min read
Starting today, we launched the website, where you can explore all the nodes that are currently connected to one of our public super-peers.
The website does not show the exact position of a node. It applies a “random” offset to the location. Thus, the location on the map corresponds only to the rough region of a node. If this still poses a problem for some of you, we are free to remove your node from the website upon request. Furthermore, you are, of course, free to run your own network with your own super-peers.
Data Integrity in Smart Urban Data Spaces
On in Theses, Research, Use Case · One min read
Today’s paper is about a master thesis that deals with in-network data processing systems. Maintaining data integrity in in-network data processing systems is difficult. While individual nodes can be assumed to cooperate in closed systems, malicious participants must be detected and dealt with in open networks.
drasyl 0.5.0 released with E2E Encryption, LAN Discovery, and TCP Fallback
On in Releases · One min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.5.0 with end-to-end encryption, an IP multicast-based peer discovery, and TCP-fallback if UDP is blocked.
SkABNet: A Attribut-Based SkipNet built on drasyl
On in Research, Software, Use Case · 2 min read
Today we would like to present you another use case of drasyl: A colleague of ours developed a distributed data structure based on the SkipNet presented by Microsoft. In addition to that, he added capabilities to store multi-attributed data on a SkipNet.
For our Windows User(s): Install drasyl CLI via Chocolatey
On in CLI · One min read
Following our last year’s announcement of bringing drasyl to Homebrew for Linux and macOS users, we’re now bringing drasyl to Chocolatey.
Chocolatey is “The Package Manager for Windows”. Therefore, it provides a very comfortable way to install/update the drasyl CLI for our Windows users.
drasyl 0.4.0 released with UDP Hole Punching, Message Chunking, and Bandwidth Measurement Utility
On in Releases, CLI · 3 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.4.0 with UPD hole punching, message chunking, in-process discovery, static routes, and network bandwidth measurement utility.
Install drasyl CLI via Homebrew
On in CLI · One min read
Homebrew is “The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)”. Therefore, it provides a very comfortable way to install/update the drasyl CLI.
drasyl 0.3.0 released with Network Separation, and Groups Plugin
On in Releases · 2 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.3.0 with network separation, groups plugin, and some performance tweaks.
New Documentation Website Online
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Since our first release, we have provided documentation for drasyl, which is located within the Git repository. Today, we have started providing a dedicated website with our documentation, with the help of MkDocs, additionally at While our documentation is still readable via the Repository file browser, MkDocs gives us more flexibility in creating good documentation for you.
drasyl 0.2.0 released with Plugin Support, Message Marshaling, and a Wormhole!
On in Releases, CLI · 3 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.2.0 with plugin support, message marshaling, port forwarding, a filesystem-based peer discovery, and an ominous wormhole 🕳️.
Run drasyl CLI through Docker
On in CLI · One min read
The drasyl CLI can now be used within a Docker Container. To do so, we’ve uploaded the current release on Docker Hub.
drasyl goes Maven Central
On in Releases · One min read
Today we are releasing drasyl 0.1.2.
Apart from some bug fixes, this release comes with a pleasant change: Starting with this version, we’re publishing drasyl releases to Maven Central.
This means adding our Maven repository to pom.xml
is no longer necessary.
drasyl available on GitHub now!
On · One min read
drasyl is now also available on GitHub. We will release all future drasyl versions on that page. While we maintainers still use the GitLab Repository for development, we’re open to contributions on GitHub.
drasyl 0.1.0 released - The Journey Begins!
On in Releases, Teaching · 4 min read
Today, we are excited to announce the very first release of drasyl 0.1.0. drasyl is an open-source, general-purpose overlay network that is concurrent, resilient, flexible, and automated. It presents itself to the user as a transparent system that offers suitable discovery and awareness methods, mainly focusing on smart city and IoT devices. Nevertheless, drasyl is not limited to smart city and IoT but is intended for universal use in all decentralized Java-based projects.
Recent Posts
- Software-Defined Overlay Networking for the Deployment of Distributed Applications at the Edge
- drasyl 0.11.0 released with performance improvements, fixes, and dynamic overlay constructon
- drasyl 0.10.0 released with performance improvements, fixes, and globally distributed super peers
- drasyl 0.9.0 released with C and Python Bindings and support for Publish/Subscribe Messaging, Remote Message Invocation, and more!
- Python Package