Brass Color Metal Padlock With Chain

Today, we are excited to announce the release of drasyl 0.5.0 with end-to-end encryption, an IP multicast-based peer discovery, and TCP-fallback if UDP is blocked.


Upgrade Notes

  • The identities must be replaced by a new one. Just delete the old drasyl.identity.json and let drasyl generate a new one.
  • If you’re using a custom configuration with super peer defined, make sure to use (our) super peers running 0.5.0.


  • Multicast is used to discovery other nodes running within the same network.
  • TCP is used as fallback if UDP traffic is blocked.
  • Experimental support for native image added.
  • All traffic is now end-to-end encrypted 🎉.
  • kqueue is used on macOS based systems for better performance.
  • epoll is used on linux based systems for better performance.
  • An InboundExceptionEvent is emitted every time an inbound message could not be processed.
  • Support for Apple Silicon added.
  • Backpressure mechanism for outbound messages added.


  • Switched to MIT License.
  • DrasylNode#send() will now return an CompletationStage instead of an CompletableFuture.
  • Dependencies have been updated.
  • Maven module parent has been renamed to drasyl-parent.
  • Class CompressedPublicKey has been renamed to IdentityPublicKey.

Photo by Life Of Pix on Pexels