Software-Defined Overlay Networking for the Deployment of Distributed Applications at the Edge

On in Theses, Research, Use Case, Publication · 3 min read

Black pendant lamp photo

We are pleased to announce that Heiko Bornholdt’s dissertation, “Software-Defined Overlay Networking for the Deployment of Distributed Applications at the Edge”, has been published.

This doctoral dissertation introduces drasyl and its foundational concept of software-defined overlay networks. drasyl was developed as part of this dissertation—or, as some might say, the dissertation was developed around drasyl!

Bringing Computation Offloading to the Edge

On in Theses, Research, Use Case · 2 min read

Feet dangling from a building

Today’s post is about the master thesis “A Secure Context-Aware Middleware for Computation Offloading in Untrustworthy, Open, and Dynamic Edge Environments” by Kevin Röbert. In his master’s thesis, Kevin Röbert designed, implemented, and evaluated a system capable of offloading computations to the cloud, grid, and edge devices. He integrated drasyl into the Tasklet computation offloading middleware.

Data Integrity in Smart Urban Data Spaces

On in Theses, Research, Use Case · One min read

green and red light illuminated net

Today’s paper is about a master thesis that deals with in-network data processing systems. Maintaining data integrity in in-network data processing systems is difficult. While individual nodes can be assumed to cooperate in closed systems, malicious participants must be detected and dealt with in open networks.